Foundations, Poles and TongkatKeadaan marshy nature on the banks of the river as a place of early growth of Banjar traditional house, willed to a floor high building. The foundation, poles and sticks, in this case is very important. As the most basic foundation construction, usually using lime wood or wood Dragon Galam. Using a cane pole and ironwood, with the number reaching 60 rods to the pole and 120 rods to stick.KerangkaKerangka this house usually use the traditional measure fathoms or footprints with an odd size that is believed to have magical value / sacred. Parts of the framework are:

Ulin 1.susuk made of wood.

2.Gelagar made of wood Ulin, Belangiran, Damar White.

Ulin board 3.Lantai of 3 cm thick.

4.Watun Barasuk from balokan Ulin.

5.Turus Tawing of wood resin.

6.Rangka doors and windows of the board and balokan Ulin.

7.Balabad of wood balokan Damar White. Mbr>
8.Titian Rat of wood balokan Damar White.

9.Bujuran Sampiran and Curtains from balokan Ulin, or Resin White.

Orong 10.Tiang Orong and Support the noisy and bone ridge of balokan Ulin wood, wood street, and Damar White.

11.Kasau of balokan Ulin, or Resin White.

12.Riing of wooden planks of white resin.

[Edit] LantaiDi floor beside the ordinary, there are also floor called Rare Floor or Floor Ranggang. Ranggang floor is usually found in Surambi Front, Anjung Jurai and Space Padu, which is a place of purification or pambanyuan. While that in Anjung Jurai to give birth and place of bathing the corpse. Usually the material used for flooring is 20 cm wide board ulin, and for the Floor of the board Ulin Ranggang about 10 cm.

[Edit] DindingDindingnya consists of a board mounted with a standing position, so that in addition to the pole is also necessary pillar Tawing and Balabad to paste. Material from the board as a wall face Ulin. On the side and rear, and the walls Tawing Halat use Ulin wood or street. On the Anjung Kiwa, Anjung Right, Anjung Jurai and Space Padu, sometimes using Palupuh walls.

[Edit] AtapAtap buildings usually become the most prominent feature of a building. Therefore, this building was called the House Cam High. Materials with a shingle roof was made of wood or thatched roof Ulin.

[Edit] ornamentation (Engraving) High Performance Cam traditional house is also supported by other forms of ornament in the form of carving. Placement of these carvings are usually present in such a constructive part pole, tataban, pilis, and stairs. As in the arts that evolved under the influence of Islam, which is described motif is floral motifs (leaves and flowers). Animal motifs such as the tip pilis depicting hornbills and the dragon also distilir with floral motifs. In addition there are also carvings of calligraphy. Arabic calligraphy is an ornament that came later that enrich Banjarese decoration. (Museum Gastric Mangkurat - Banjarbaru, "House of Traditional High ridge and Completeness", 1992/1993)

[Edit] Effect of Religion and System of Systems PengetahuanMeskipun Banjar already embraced Islam, but in day-to-day activities in relation to culture is still attached to the element aninisme, Hindu-Buddhist tradition that developed as the basis in the past. However, it is not in its entirety. Religion is considered the origin of Kaharingan developed by the Dayaks. The influence of Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian does not mean ancestral beliefs and religion with all the ceremony just disappear. Dayak people who had embraced Islam Ethnicity regarded as Banjar and no longer consider themselves as Dayak tribe. Tribe Banjar keagamaanya almost all joints was based on religious sentiment is rooted in Islamic teachings. So every every household has equipment associated with the implementation of the religious. Therefore, in the Banjar traditional house comes with many carvings relating to the brotherhood, unity, fertility, as well as Arabic calligraphy handwriting handwriting-sourced from the Islamic creed, such as two sentences, the names of the Caliph, Shalawat, or certain verses in the Al- Qur'an.

But the carvings in the house of Banjar also still exist relating to the trust Kaharingan, Aninisme, Dinanisme, or Hindu-Buddhist, for example a swastika, hornbills, dragons, etc.

[Edit] How to Determine Size BanjarCara traditional house of Banjar Traditional House Determining Size can be done in several ways, including:

1.Panjang and width of the house determined the size of depa husband in an odd number. (Department of Education, Brotomoeljono, Traditional Houses in South Kalimantan, 1986: 87)
2.Dihitung by taking girder options, and then calculated with the calculation of girder, geligir, gelugur. When the count ended with geligir or gelugur then it's not a good omen and should be closed with the girder. Counts girder will cause the house and its inhabitants have peace and harmony. (Department of Education, Brotomoeljono, Traditional Houses in South Kalimantan, 1986: 87)
Other 3.Cara by Alfani David, MA. (1997: 462); length and width of the house represented a symbol size of eight animals are dragons, smoke, lions, dogs, cows, donkeys, elephants, crows. The ideal length and width of the dragon symbolized symbolized gajah.Yang not good is the animal emblem of smoke, dog, donkey, or a raven. (Number) fathoms long someone who built a house divided by eight represents the animal in a row as the previous. (Each fathoms multiplied by 12). When the house six fathoms long, mean 6 x 12 size or 72 size, so if size is symbolized by the dragon beast, should be added 1 / 12 fathoms again. To obtain the size of the symbol of the elephant, the length it should be added 7 / 12 fathoms or minus 1 / 12 fathoms. (Alfani David, MA, Islam and Society Banjar, 1997: 462)
[Edit] Philosophy BanjarPemisahan traditional house types and house forms of Banjar in accordance with the philosophy and religion which is based on trust Kaharingan the Dayak tribe that the universe is divided into 2 parts, the nature of and the nature bawah.Rumah Cam High is a symbol of the microcosm within the macrocosm besar.Penghuni as if the world will live in the middle that is flanked by the world above and the underworld. At home they live in large families, is the unity of the world above and the underworld and symbolize Mahatala Djata (husband and wife).

High ridge home World berpadunya symbolizing Upper and Lower World [edit] Binitarian SemestaPada agrarian civilization, the home is considered sacred because it is considered as the dwelling place of the supernatural by the gods as in the house of Dayak Bukit Hall that serves as a home ritual. In the Kingdom of State Dipa ancestor figure realized in the form of statues of men and women who worshiped and placed in the palace. Worship of ancestral spirits who worship Maharaja Suryanata tangible and daughter Cheryl foam is a symbol of marriage (union) and the unconscious nature of Kaharingan-Hindu cosmogony. Suryanata as a manifestation of the god of the Sun (Surya) of elements Kaharingan-Hindu belief, the orientation because the sun rises from the eastern horizon (Orient) is always awaited his presence as a source of life, while Miss Cheryl foam form of the symbol of water, soil fertility symbol as well as functioning as Dewi Sri in Java. During the growth of the Hindu kingdom, the king's palace is an image of power and even considered an expression of thanks to the gods as embodiments symbol into the Cosmos Macro Cosmos Micro. Daughter Cheryl foam as a symbol of "the world Down" while Prince Suryanata symbol "world over". In the architecture of the High Houses Cam influence these elements can still be found. A disguised form of carved dragon / didestilir (bananagaan) symbolizes "the unconscious" while the hornbill carvings symbolize the "world over".

[Edit] Tree HayatWujud form Banjar house with its roof ridge height which rises to the top is a basic image of a "tree of life" which is a cosmic symbol. Tree of Life is a reflection of the dimensions of a whole universe. Carving the lush vegetation on Tawing Halat (Seketeng) embodies the philosophy of "tree of life" which by the Dayak called Batang Garing in trust Kaharingan first ever developed in public life in South Kalimantan in the previous period.

[Edit] PayungWujud form Banjar house with its roof ridge height which rises to the top is a basic image of an umbrella which shows an orientation of power upward. Umbrella is also a symbol of nobility commonly used "yellow umbrella" as a kingdom. Yellow umbrella as signs of Banjar royal dignity given to royal officials in a region.

[Edit] SimetrisWujud Banjar ridge height of house is symmetrical, is seen in the form of wings or buildings comprising anjung Anjung Right and Anjung Kiwa. This deals with the philosophy of symmetrical (balanced) in the government of the kingdom of Banjar, which divide the ministries, a comestible Mantri (Minister Group Right) and Mantri pangiwa (Group Secretary Left), each consisting of four ministers, Mantri comestible titled 'Patih' and Mantri pangiwa titled 'The', each minister had an army-pole respectively. The concept of symmetry is reflected on the high ridge house.

[Edit] Head-Agency Appeal Cam-KakiBentuk house likened the human body is divided vertically into 3 parts ie head, body and legs. While anjung described as his right hand and left hand is right and anjung anjung Kiwa (left).

[Edit] Values ​​RuangPada High Cam Banjar house (palace) there was a Semi-Public space is a tiered surambi Porch or located in chronological order consists of surambi face, surambi welcome, and last surambi Pamedangan before entering the main door (Lawang Face) on the front wall ( Tawing Face) are engraved with the beautiful. After entering the main door to enter the Semi-Private room. Visitors re-treading a tiered floor consists of Panampik Kacil below, Panampik Tangah in the middle and Panampik Basar above the front Tawing Halat or "middle wall" which indicates the existence of a hierarchical space values. Small Panampik space a place for the kids, Tangah Panampik space as a place of ordinary people or the young people and, most importantly, Basar Panampik space designated for community leaders, just people who are knowledgeable and respected who dared to sit in the area them. This indicates the existence of a manners as well as reflect the social stratification of society Banjar past consisting of the top layer is blue-blooded group called Tutus King (royalty) and the bottom layer is the class of Jaba (the people) and among both ordinary people are the ones who have obtained positions in the Kingdom along with the rich.

[Edit] Tawing Halat / SeketengRuang in High ridge Banjar house divided into rooms that are private and semi-private. Among Basar Panampik space that is semi-private with Palidangan space that are separated by Tawing Halat private means "wall of separation", when in the area of ​​Java called Seketeng. If there is salvation and draped (nanggap), Wayang Kulit Banjar then on this Halat Tawing the middle can be opened so as if a transparent dividing line between two worlds (exterior and interior) to be open. When implemented "puppet sampir" then Tawing Halat the boundary between "inside" (Palidangan) and outside (Paluaran / Panampik Basar) to open. King and his family as well as the mastermind is in the area "in the" child witness puppet in its original form while the audience are in an area "outside" watching puppet in the form of shadows.

[Edit] Layout Cacak BurungDenah House Banjar High ridge-shaped "plus sign" which is the intersection of the axes of the building from front to rear direction and from right to left which form the blueprint pattern Cacak a sacred bird. In its center directly beneath Sangga Noise frame construction under the roof ridge height is Palidangan space which is the intersection point of these axes. The cosmological then this is the most important part of the House Banjar Cam High. Once the importance of this section is represented by the appearance Tawing Halat (middle wall) full of carvings (Tree of Life), a fertile prosperous. Halat Tawing become the focus of attention and become a respectable area. Tawang Halat protect the area "inside" which is the focal point of building the space Palidangan (Panampik Panangah).