Houses ApungSemakin thin layer of ozone lead to various problems on the surface of this earth. The air is getting hotter, the higher atmospheric pressure until finally happened melting ice in the northern and southern hemisphere.Behold, the polar bear who was lamenting his fate because of stuck between a vast icy waters. so what if people who were there? we can not imagine what will happen. According to some experts who follow the development of the world's climate, that global warming events caused by increasing emissions of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), dinitrooksida (N2O) and CFC so that the solar energy trapped in the earth's atmosphere. The literature shows increasing global temperatures - including Indonesia - which occurs in the range of 1.5 to 40 Celsius by the end of the 21st century.

Events melting of the Northern and Southern hemisphere impact also on the State of Indonesia which is the largest archipelago country in the world. Based on research by experts, that the volume of sea water increases every year. Indonesia and the mainland began to sink slowly into a vast expanse of water. Especially in the State capital, Jakarta.

Sea level rise will generally result in impacts as follows: (a) increased frequency and intensity of flooding, (b) changes in ocean currents and the widespread destruction of mangroves, (c) expansion of sea water intrusion, (d) threat to the socio-economic activities of society coast, and (e) decrease in land area or the loss of small islands.

The increased frequency and intensity of floods caused by the random occurrence of rainfall patterns and a short rainy season while the very high rainfall (extreme events). Another possibility is a result of backwater effects from coastal area to land. The frequency and intensity of flooding is predicted occurs 9 times greater in the next decade in which the 80% increase in flooding occurred in South and Southeast Asia (including Indonesia) with an area of ​​the floodwaters reached 2 million square miles. Increasing the volume of water in coastal areas will provide the cumulative effect if the sea level rise and increased frequency and intensity of rainfall occurred in the same period.

Taking into account natural phenomena, the author intends to introduce an innovative design house that designs based on the idea of ​​the author of several previous products such as boat design.

Floating house concept (desugn by: Asep Gumilar)

The concept of floating houses have been applied since the first in Indonesia, particularly by Indonesian traditional fishermen. They create a place in the middle of the sea which berfungi as a place to fish. Communities in the region the author calls it "bagang". namely a place in the middle of the sea which functioned as a place to stay for the fishermen when caught.