Since the invention of reinforced concrete technology by two Frenchmen, Joseph Lambot and joseph Monier, around 1850 world developments, especially the field of architectural design experience significant progress. Various works of aesthetic form is created not only more beautiful, but also more robust and efficient. With architectural design of reinforced concrete can be formed in accordance with the wishes and creativity of a designer (architect), in other words is flexible, replacing the old technology that uses a rigid and rigid stones are not efficient in building structures.Concrete is a mixture consisting of sand, gravel, crushed stone or other aggregates are mixed together with a paste made from cement and water form a mass-like rocks, other materials such as iron is added as reinforcement so-called reinforced concrete, objective is made relatively lighter construction without reducing the building structure.
Concrete advantages include:
• Concrete can be printed with a variety of shapes and sizes.
• Concrete has a strong concrete is relatively higher than in
most other materials.
• Concrete has a relatively very long age
• Concrete is the only economical material for the foundation of the tread, basement walls, poles bridges and similar structures.
• Concrete made from local materials are cheap and easily obtained.
• Reinforced concrete has a high resistance against fire, water, and wind.
• reinforced concrete structure is very sturdy.
• Reinforced concrete requires no maintenance costs are relatively high.
• organizational skills to human resources needed to build a reinforced concrete lower compared with other materials.
Issues regarding the current global warming phenomenon has brought a positive influence for the development of the roof surface design an environmentally friendly building that is developed roof garden, (the park is on the roof of the building) Roof Garden will only be effective if the roof of the building using concrete structures not. Benefits of a roof garden is to lower the air temperature in the building space, reduce noise, increase roof durability, and enhance your overall design and reduce dust and smoke. At the end of the various advantages and benefits and flexibility of the above-mentioned concrete structures can provide new horizons in the development of world architecture.
• Concrete has a relatively very long age
• Concrete is the only economical material for the foundation of the tread, basement walls, poles bridges and similar structures.
• Concrete made from local materials are cheap and easily obtained.
• Reinforced concrete has a high resistance against fire, water, and wind.
• reinforced concrete structure is very sturdy.
• Reinforced concrete requires no maintenance costs are relatively high.
• organizational skills to human resources needed to build a reinforced concrete lower compared with other materials.
Issues regarding the current global warming phenomenon has brought a positive influence for the development of the roof surface design an environmentally friendly building that is developed roof garden, (the park is on the roof of the building) Roof Garden will only be effective if the roof of the building using concrete structures not. Benefits of a roof garden is to lower the air temperature in the building space, reduce noise, increase roof durability, and enhance your overall design and reduce dust and smoke. At the end of the various advantages and benefits and flexibility of the above-mentioned concrete structures can provide new horizons in the development of world architecture.